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Brad S

09/09/10 6:24 PM

#1124 RE: Bull Finch #1123

I guess they would file the necessary paper work, and pay for the things that they need to pay for that's how!

Hopefully it's not for more than $480.
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09/09/10 7:27 PM

#1126 RE: Bull Finch #1123

BUll Finch, your opinion seems to conveniently ignore some well known facts that these so-called companies and so-called managers and directors are all a closely knit assembly of old drinking buddies passing worthless paper between themselves during happy hour at some posh pub. It's an incestuous snake ball of related parties where absolutely no economic substance of any merit is created, only the appearance of such to a person who wouldn't know a conflict of interest if it bit him on his back side.

So while you're all in a lather over all of $300.00 in value of traded equity, a laughable amount and I don't care who you are, please reconcile that above fact against the hyperbolic gibberish bandied about here packaged and plated as DD.