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Diogenes of Sinope

09/09/10 1:37 PM

#6895 RE: op9171787 #6892

JMO "OP"---very well stated! FEEL ing long and strong. Now if only the mms would "market make"!


09/09/10 1:38 PM

#6896 RE: op9171787 #6892

No, I don't think I need to cool it. I brought up a fair point in a calm, rational manner and you tell me to wake up, and cool it. That's real productive.

Let's say everything you said about ESPN and banner ads is true. Do you really think any ceo will take advice, on growing his business, from a random shareholder who he doesn't know?

Do we WANT a ceo to take advice from a random shareholder that emails him? I'm gonna say no.

You might be the largest media consultant in Chicago. You may be an ad rep on Madison Ave. Or, you may be a guy sitting on a park bench in Wisconsin.

There's nothing wrong with any of those 3 things. But shouldn't a company get advice from it's employees, and/or consultants or representatives of companies they know or can check their past history.

Maybe because Lee Miller is a bit old, and has spent so many years in the golf business, he might know the CEO of ESPN and can ask him directly. Maybe he's played golf with the West Coast sales manager from ESPN.

Or, he can take advice from some random shareholder...

Investors have an absolute right to contact management of a public company, regardless of whether they are a shareholder or not. But let the guy run his business. That's why he has an IR.