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02/13/05 3:53 PM

#7208 RE: Waitedg #7207

Two things...
1. No one is forced to read any message posted here or on RB.
2. Everyone who posts a message speaks for themself.
The previous post here was IMO more "stupid" than anything TR has ever posted.
TR does not sit in judgment about the merit of others postings as some here are wont to do.
He corrects misinformation that runs rampant on that board and as far as I'm concerned he is doing me (an investor) a mighty big favor.
Seems that "trader Dave" has a compulsive need to point out what he views to be charachter flaws in others. Wasting my time pontificating with his holier than thou opinions. Maybe time would be better spent analyzing ones own personality.
Good day. LH.


02/14/05 12:41 PM

#7219 RE: Waitedg #7207

Dave W, If we weren't all crazy we would go insane.....Jimmy Buffett said that.......and I think it works here......why does TR not to have the right to be as looney as the next bloke here?.......some others among us here have not exactly proven ourselves to be pilliars of clear and consistent thinking........... why should TR be held to some arbitrary standard of perfection.............?
as for "Leaders" I'm not too much on leaders, and havent felt ANYONE was MY THAT would be a personal choice to accept anyone else as ones "leader"
Now as long as we are analyzing one another......I wonder if you may possibly be transfering some of your dissatisfaction with yourself to TR......perhaps having him shoulder the "blame" for you finding yourself holding a large investment in which your conficence has MUST have been SOMEONES fault........!!!!!!!?????!!!!!
Just some thoughts Dave.......10-Z
but really just having a bit of fun with you...don't take it too seriously please....!!!