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09/08/10 3:08 PM

#122 RE: DewDiligence #121

All-oral regimens will likely take the bulk of the market in the first-line setting.

I suspect we place different odds on this -g-. I'd give 50% odds that IFN is still used in >50% of G1 patients in 2015 (for relapse reasons)

Pegasys biosimilars will enter the market in due course.

How much market share do generics normally capture when there is a substantially improved (better efficacy and tollerability) name brand on the market - e.g. how much market share does pravastatin have?

Many patients will need only 24 weeks of ifn, but the fact that some patients will still need 48 weeks precludes a price hike to offset the shorter duration for 24-week patients.

Assuming that IFN-L does have substantially better efficacy and SAE then I would suggest that they will have pricing power.