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09/07/10 2:04 PM

#22656 RE: InterNATL-INVESTOR #22651

No need. 1Kaos1979 already took care of that for me:

Posted by: 1kaos1979 Member Level Date: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 7:11:34 PM
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My CC notes:

Bravada Womens Athletica
-50-100 percent increase in profits week over weeek
-BWA alone is Proforma Profitable for entire company
-$1600, $1100, $1200 days at this store
-$35,000 - $60,000 for July/August
-$55,000 will have company break even
-Calgary-richest area; store opening is imminent
-Exceeding expectations

Share price according the PEG ratio
-90 percent undervalued (WOW)
-For children
-personalities such as Matt Perry, Lisa Kudrow, Jeniffer Aniston, etc are affiliated with this.
-IMO, this is good politics for the company and matures the company as a whole

-Spoke to some influential people in making this happen
-Amex or Small Cap NASDAQ

Reality Shows
-2 other shows coming out in near future
-Bravada girl is reality/drama tv and no one in TCP will be in BravadaGirl as it has nothing to do with Bravadainternational or TCP

Select Financing Activiy
-CEO never takes a salary as hell make his money later
-dilution cease-->free cash flow

KardashianKhaos Opening
-August 21st

-will release financials in 4-5 weeks and have a CC to discuss them
-Discussing highlights and lowlights on the cc, things that were proud of, things that need some more work