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Gold Seeker

09/04/10 12:24 PM

#27182 RE: opportunityknocking #27180

Opportunity, MH is just dreaming when he comes up with all this BS about shorting etc. There is no substantial shorting going on with this stock. The stock price is where it is because that is what investors think it is worth, not some wild manipulation theory.

All that Hull management has done is buy the 13.5 cent warrant from Smithline. You certainly would not be shorting against 13.5 cent warrants when the stock is trading for 6 cents. There are NO warrants in the money for this stock.

I certainly do agree with you on one point. Moro has always wasted money pumping the stock with all the penny stock newsletters. The problem is that Moro does not have anything that will really move the stock so he is the one that is attempting to manipulate the share price with all the money tossed to promoters.

From my conversations years ago with Moro, he actually knows very little about the stock market. He even asked me if I knew of any stock promoters he could use. I clearly told him that I do not deal with any people like that at all.