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09/04/10 6:05 AM

#71843 RE: buyittradeit #71842

The only constant variable in any situation is emotions. Yes that is right the flaw in man that remains constant.

Let us take a look at Steve Hawkins (brilliant at the very least). However, when he speaks of the big bang theory having nothing to do with GOD I always wonder....Is his ego showing? I mean Steve does know how smart he is and why would God make him that smart yet crippled? Of course, you understand that theories can be based on the authors opinion and defended, reworded to no end.

So does this theory hold water to if his emotions are involved? Does Oprah really consider herself a success or does just plea for acceptance? Reality is a mere illusion to our own individual perception. Think about about it....let it stir...because everyone has an opinion but does that make that opinion right? You think when Oprah gave those cars away she was being selfless? Or was she doing what she thought would get her better ratings and at the same time trying to get people to like her..... unlike when she was in school and was picked on for being black and thus thought of as poor?

The constant in human behavior is we all have felt fear

(what will they say?) (will it hurt?)

This often more times then not leads to confusing thoughts and self doubt until that person feels they have resolved the issue in a way that benefits them((closing a position so they don't have to worry about losing gains.)) After all who wants to be hurt.................again? ( we have all been there )Because in one way or another we all have been hurt.


The only actually constant of human behavior is we lash out because we are insecure about something.

So that something is the variable in the valuation of the situation. So the only real way to find the constant is to look at collective thought and where it will show up and how.

If MM's are crooks then how can one crook trust another crook? I mean there are more then just one MM right? This is why we look for more then one so we can make a decision. If everyone looks at the same thing and responds in the same way we need to see what their next moves will be.

In my opinion at least. But then again...we all have opinions.:-D


09/20/10 7:17 PM

#72184 RE: buyittradeit #71842

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