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02/10/05 5:39 PM

#326 RE: horny_toad8 #325

"The tone of your post suggests that you're just trying to scare people from attempting to try out NMCX Platinum."
BOY, are you paranoid!!!!

That is not the case at all. I just get extremely frustrated with web sites and all the games played on them, I'm NOT saying NMCX Platinum is playing them. I just have minimal tolerance for having my time wasted trying to figure things out on everybody's next great site.
Now, as for the site. I saw NO PLACE on that registration page that told me I had to go to my e-mail to get my password to get in. It merely asks one for a username, which I gave, and then requests your e-mail address. I kept wondering how in the world it was going to know my password since it did not ask me to choose one when I chose a username. I figured that the first time I put in a password, it would then record such for future log ins - WRONG.
Now, since I HATE e-mail because it takes soooooooooo much time to go through the HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of spam mails to get just a couple of messages, I do NOT ever visit my e-mail unless someone tells me they are sending me something and when. Well, your site says nothing to the effect that they are sending me an e-mail. So, just chalk it up to me not following directions ("directions" that are not there, of course, and instead assumptions are made by the board moderators), and that I just want to bash your new GREAT message board, if it makes you feel better. I was actually very excited to see what you people had to offer when I first tried it, but after a few days of frustration, the excitement turns to irritation.

The condescending tone of your post was just so very productive in fostering a nice friendly start for an excited, albeit frustrated, new user and co-investor who only wants good places to share information. You basically called me stupid, said I can not follow directions (when actually I just DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS LIKE YOUR SITE DOES) and intimated that I had a hidden agenda to bash your efforts for good info - ALL very wrong. I follow directions when given, I do know how to tie my shoe laces (albeit I have limited tolerance for internet societal interactions), and I was/am very excited about another new good board on which BOTH sides of the potential of this investment can be discussed.

Thanks for the info again, and quit thinking everyone has something against you for no reason. If some people are upset, it is often due to some reason - mine being frustrated with no directions on your site.