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08/29/10 9:46 PM

#11220 RE: murocman #11219

US Microbics BUGS continues to develop microbes for cleanup of water, soil and landfills that are filled with oil or other chemicals. They also use various microbes for benefits to their agricultural business( current negotiations with Canada and China per PR). They have the Bio-Raptor which is very similar to the machine BP is currently using to clean the oil from the sands on the beaches of the gulf coast. When a hurricane hits developed areas, it often results in damaged water and soils. Microbial remediation is one of US Microbics strengths. When a hurricane threaten the US, stock alerts are sent out and "BUGS" is typically listed. Here are some links you might find interesting based on hurricane alerts and their potential plays in 2010:

The Hurricane Hot List BUGS, TOMZ, FUEL, GV, BCON, Cat
U.S. Microbics, Inc. (Public, OTC:BUGS)

U.S. Microbics Inc. is a business development and holding company that acquires, develops, and deploys environmental technologies for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater; reduction of air and water pollution; reactivation of carbon-filtration systems, and microbial-based approaches to agriculture enhancement. The Company provides engineering solutions to reduce pollution, improve water quality, and increase agricultural output. U.S. Microbics, Inc., along with its subsidiaries provides products and services, which include Environmental Remediation Services, which helps in the assessment, remediation planning, and/or operation of remediation sites, and Microbial Remediation Expertise, which focuses on licensing, training, and transfer of know-how to government and non-government agencies, as well as to the private sector for reducing pollution, improving water quality, and enhancing crop yield.

Hurricane Alex BUGS, TOMZ, FUEL, GV, BCON, Cat Bonds
BUGS was moving fast yesterday, and if this is the worst season since 2005 it has a long way to go, in 2005 Bugs hit 6c, the company has developed and grown since then so it is most probable that it will see higher levels this year.

Also in BUGS favor is news yesterday they have products for the Oil Spills, with the headline grabbing Oil Spill and the Hurricanes possible impact on the spill spending on prevention and cure of Hurricane and Oil products and services will be at an all time high this year, and so will BUGS.

U.S. Microbics, BUGS, All what you need to know about it
On May 1st I wrote( But I am fully confident that if BUGS, U.S. Microbics can survive Monday then the potential will be much greater than what has been anticipated ) and since not only it survived Monday but also made some good moves and kept adding more even without any news. On thursday June 24th BUGS released this PR :

BUGS and Pacific Sands, Inc. Ready Products to Aid Oil Spill Cleanup Efforts.Read it here
This PR shocked everybody but not for us. For us that was not a surprise at all. We have anticipated this kind a move long before BUGS became well known for public.We have done extensive research on BUGS more that any body out there.

I first introduced BUGS to you on April 20th when it was trading at .001 whenI wrote my first article about it, Read this :

Have you played Hurricane stocks before?

Since, we have posted several more article about U.S. Microbics, BUGS since it became oil spill cleaning related stock. On April 30th I posted this alert

Stock Alert: US Microcubics (BUGS) on the move

Followed by these :

More on US Microcubics, BUGS

20 of the 47 ‘microbial’ products that U.S. Microbics, BUGS. is starting
to license to the world.

U S Microbics (BUGS) Buy or Sell on Monday?

CNN, Machines and microbes will clean up oil

Finally, U.S. Microbics BUGS considered as company which holds a patent of some good Oil cleaning product such as microbial’ products which on last April CNN had mentioned it while reporting about the oil spill in the gulf. Machines and microbes will clean up oil.
Keep BUGS on your Radar.
Good luck to you all.

20 of the 47 ‘microbial’ products that U.S. Microbics, BUGS. is starting to license to the world.
20 of the 47 ‘microbial’ products that BUGS is starting to license to the world.
Today BUGS made some major move on no news. Bugs went up 40% and I was wondering what was behind this upward move. I couldnt find any logical reason for such a huge move. But I am thinking of these possibility
BUGS is a hurricane related stock and since on June 1st the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season has started, this could have been one reason.
Other possibility is that BUGS considered as company which holds a patent of some good Oil cleaning product such as microbial’ products which on last April CNN had mentioned it while reporting about the oil spill in the gulf.
So I believe any one of thses2 possibilities can play major roll in affecting BUGS price. BUGS has double advantage been a Hurricane stock and Oil cleaning, make it desirable for many investors. We will find out Tomorrow whether today move was for real or was just another Pump and Dump scam.
Mean while I like to thank our contributor and my Friend octuel for his effort in preparing this following article. Please remember that this article was written on April and has not much to do with todays activity of BUGS. This is just for your information.

octuel April 30, 2010 at 5:20 am [edit]

here is a partial listing of some(20) of the 47 ‘microbial’ products that BUGS is starting to license to the world. BEHL ran to over .12/share by increasing algae yield with one product. BUGS has at least 47 patents and trade marks that they are ready to market and license! Each one of these products is a potential multi-million(billion) dollar money maker for the person, business, state, or country that pays the licensing fee. And there are at least TWENTY different kinds of these microbial blends and equipment that BUGS owns patents or trademarks on at the present time. And there are new ones being produced for every possible type of environmental ‘cure’.

1. Bio-Miracle™/Too TallTomatoes(TM)/Bi-Agra
2. RemedilineTM/Bio-RaptorTM/
3. Microbial Applications System™
4. Remediline™ 300 Series
5. RemedilineTM 300CP
6. RemedilineTM 300H
7. RemedilineTM 300M
8. RemedilineTM 300G
10. WASTELINE™100AN Lagoon Series
11. Wasteline™200B
12. Wasteline™200M
13. Wasteline™200G
14. Wasteline™200AE
15. WastelineTM 100AN
16. WastelineTM 200AE
17. WastelineTM 200B
18. WastelineTM 200M
18. WastelineTM 200P
19. WastelineTM 230T
20. WastelineTM 250CP

Read more about BUGS as a Oil cleaning stock


I hope that this helps you.