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Diogenes of Sinope

08/25/10 3:48 PM

#6078 RE: riverandfold #6077

River, your "detective" work is appreciated! I also Feel sumpins' cookin'. That's why I have taken/held my long position and have steadfastly refused to let the MM's games disuade me from my thoughts. JMO
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08/25/10 3:50 PM

#6079 RE: riverandfold #6077

Great post river! Thanks for taking the time to put that together.
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08/25/10 4:01 PM

#6081 RE: riverandfold #6077

Nice post. There is another hidden message in here as well, if you take points 3 and 4 together. Offenbach and Miller wanted to buy more common EVEN AFTER BEING ISSUED THE PREFERRED. I would also think it is likely that they might be among the 8 Shareholders paid in more shares for services rendered. THe August buys clearly come on top of other recent adds to their equity positions.

Your point 5 is interesting. Their wording puts a merger as an alternative to an equity raise SO AS TO GAIN (ACCESS TO) CAPITAL. Usually, a company EXPENDS capital to accomplish a merger.
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08/25/10 4:15 PM

#6087 RE: riverandfold #6077

SUPERB POST $$$$$$$$$$$
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08/25/10 4:16 PM

#6088 RE: riverandfold #6077

Why is this post not a sticky ?
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08/25/10 6:08 PM

#6092 RE: riverandfold #6077

nice work, riv. definitely makes sense. hopefully more pieces to puzzle will emerge or be discovered very soon. they are a low-cost (market cap) fully reporting co with lots of attractiveness.

i am not sure how to speculate on what form this may take. will some Co. acquire FEEL most likely? will it be a marriage or a takeover?

but good work.
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08/26/10 3:28 PM

#6154 RE: riverandfold #6077

Good DD and analysis. Only one thing that needs to be brought out is that Mr. Otterbach did not purchase his shares but, rather, was awarded them. I don't have the SEC form in front of me but I remember a "back-and-forth" in which I was involved which discussed whether his shares were purchased or awarded. It was determined they were awarded.

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09/23/10 6:04 PM

#8061 RE: riverandfold #6077

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09/23/10 8:01 PM

#8062 RE: riverandfold #6077

FEEL is nothing more then a pump and dump.
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10/21/10 10:21 PM

#9684 RE: riverandfold #6077

Nice was just reading that today before buying some .007's. Nice!
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10/21/10 10:35 PM

#9688 RE: riverandfold #6077

Great call, "river," and great news today re: two acquisitions. I am a little "befuddled" over the term "merger." I understand why a company would issue preferred stock to its executives so that they could retain majority stakeholder voting rights.

My questions are these: Wouldn't a company issue such shares when it is the subject of a merger, i.e., if FEEL is the target of a merger? Why would they be doing this if FEEL is the acquiring company?

TIA for your reply.