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08/25/10 12:39 AM

#154 RE: gail #151

:-D just thinking aloud about human nature -- how phoney @ times we all are ? if a word does NOT please us -- we either take it personally or we chastise/criticize/ridicule another -- JUST CAUSE it's NOT pallatable [right/wrong word ?? :-D] to us.

ok...ok...let's put it another way -- when we buy stocks/options -- we like to get them at a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLooooooooooooooow price and then SUCKER someone else into BUYING it at a HIGHER price....BUTTTT IF we the ones on the OTHER end -- the SUCKER buying @ the HIGHER price -- then we get INDIGNANT -- and call those who sold to us ROBBERS -- THIEVES -- SHYSTERS -- SCUMBAGS -- U NAME IT -- WE GOT A NAME FOR THEM LOW LIFES !!! :-D :-D

each one of us IS here to SCREW someone else -- EXCEPT that we use words like "ethics" / 'morality'...and all them bullshit words -- to make us feel ABOVE the rest -- no ??