Well, I put that Info in the I-Box just above the Transfer Agents Info and the Share Structure. I'm going to send an Email to the CEO and the Board urging them to include that in their next PR, Sometimes Companies don't realize just how much things like that Mean to Investors that are on the outside looking in on a Company that just Changed Hands as far as Management, Board, CEO, Company Direction, Product, ect. Is Concerned. Especially when they read things on the board like "The A/S is Maxed out", That would give rise to concern to any knowledgeable Investor on the outside looking in, and to include something like that in their next PR would Add A Lot of Confidence into the Market for MLXO, not that there isn't already A lot now, with the Changes that have already happened and the Latest PR, but A Company Publicly telling Investors that they have no Intention of Raising the A/S or Performing a Reverse Split, will take that concern off Investors Minds for sure and New People would be even more apt to Buy in. All they would have to do is Keep their word, I wish the former CEO would have realized just how much "Keeping Your Word" Means to so many people. I have A Lot of Faith in this New Board and CEO, they really seem to be the "Real Deal"!!! It's about time, for MLXO.