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08/23/10 3:51 AM

#908 RE: Ican #907

Well thank you Johnny Cicero (to be known in the future as JC, how's that??..... and not to be mis-construed with the real JC)..LOLOL :-)

Welcome to the board. I love this place because it seems to be visited by adults who know how to control their "irrational exhuberance" (Famous FED quote by greenspan).

You'll find CL's (Matt) charts to be scary in a upward run because they are so damned accurate.

Yes, we are looking to put together a "core" group of not many people but people who have that certain dignity and sophistication about them that can only be borne of the experience of having lived through some serious lifes "trials and tribulations".

My guess is that myself and AuroraDude are about the oldest here on the board and probably the most conservative "traders" since many people do not post any basic info about themselves in their profiles or much of anything else for that matter.
I only mention this because he and I would probably know how to keep the "irrational exhuberance", "at bay", with the younger generations of this thread who might be inclined to put all their eggs in one basket.

Speaking for myself, my trading account is my "play" money but sometimes it adds up to a significant amount enough so that I can make a "withdrawal" and buy something for myself, my children, or my beloved dogs. But as it is "play" money it is NOT money that I need to pay a mortgage or monthly maintainance. I say this because a person can not win with "scared" money.

I am also not looking to be a part of any group where all the members are not serious about making some serious coin and are willing to commit to that thought on a steady daily basis. The last thing we need is for just a few people to be doing all the work and the rest are just along for the ride.

If you have ever been to the "Burning Man" Festival held every year over the Labor Day weekend in Northern Nevada, I have always loved their disclaimer on their entry tickets. It goes something like this: "By accepting this ticket you agree while you are here to NOT be a SPECTATOR at this event but to instead be a direct PARTICIPANT". Do MORE than your fair share to make this event successful and remember "clean-up" starts now". Or something close to that.

It simply means that just because you paid money to attend the event, does not give you the right to just stand around. You, as a participant, have to be willing to do more than you expect to get out of the event to make sure the event is a success. And as a participant more than a few times, it is MAGIC when 50,000 people can come together to feed & water each other in the middle of the 430 square mile "black rock" desert. Burning Man is held 100 miles away from Reno in the middle of literally no where (no trees, no grass, no shade, no water, just miles and miles of "dry" lake bed) and everybody needs everybody else to make it work.

I appoligize if I sound sharp here, that is not my intent as all. Just maybe call me a type A personality when it comes to business dealings and my money and a type B personality when it comes to everything else.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I do not care who the members are, just that they are seriously commited to the cause of us ALL making money weekly something like a paycheck.... BUT at the same time contributing extensive DD about the PICK we choose as a group to minimizing virtually ALL "risk" as we move along day by day. Sound impossible?? Trust me, it is not. I am in my middle 50's and I KNOW what I write works from first hand experience.

So again, welcome aboard and here is to the best of luck with all our future endevors as we go forward. Since I do not have PM capabilities yet, could you please PM CharbiesLarby with your contact info as he is collecting the name, rank, and serial numbers of the potential participants.

Damn I am starting to get a really good feeling about all this.......
as a matter of fact, we used to have a woman on board my old group who was from the Tampa area who was in commercial real estate back in the day named Karen, and to this day, she is STILL the best DD person I ever met.

She always stunned the rest of us each day by what she could find out overnight. She was so damn good, she could find out what the CEO of a company (we all were invested in), had for dinner, and whether he had sex that night. LOLOL :-)

Where are you, Karen??? I need you now, love. Pray god that one day you read this post and let me know you are well.

Okay, good luck to us all tomorrow, and mark this post, at the end of tomorrow, whether we go up or down, (unless there is a catastrophy in price and we end up below .001) I will still be holding my "core" position of 1,300,000 shares of APCX I wrote about in my post to CL earlier. Why?? Because I firmly believe that over the next few days we will gradually move higher even with periods of consolidation.

God Bless, Steve :-)