My reply is read the 10Q and see the changes in certain sections that allow one to see that:
1. There is no mention of Chapter 11 any longer. 2. That there is an active negotiation with the creditors 3. That Mr. Giordano has provided capital for the company to continue its listing and will continue to do so I would imagine since he bought the RR Donnelly Note and has taken it this far to date. 4. That the company is in active discussions with several companies 5. That the debt is $3MM not $8MM which has been putported here by LauraP. 6. Most importantly that the TOTOWA Agreement is not NULL and VOID and there is no need for them to dilute to maintain strong influence since it is being done with the Series D PFD. that is not covertible.
Now In think your answer to this post should be objective and well thought out since I took the time to do this in your query for me to answer your post directly to me.
Lets hope it is not the same as in the past. If it is then we need to understand that your reason for posting is to denegrate and try to artificially influence people to sell their stock.
The facts are the facts and they are in the 10Q people.