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Deep Capture

08/21/10 12:37 PM

#1639 RE: janice shell #1638 is about manipulation of major exchange traded stocks. Any references to penny stocks are purely ancillary. I'd like to see you find a example to the contrary.


08/21/10 1:04 PM

#1640 RE: janice shell #1638

<<<It's Deep Crapture that's objectionable. It's all about penny stocks.>>>

No it's not, Janet.... not by a long shot, as this partial list of the titles at the Deep Capture site will attest:

Moral Hazard at the SEC
28 July 2010 by Judd Bagley

When attempting to understand much of what happens at the Securities and Exchange Commission, I believe moral hazard is nearly as important a factor as the much more frequently-discussed matter of regulatory capture.

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Notes on David Einhorn: The Predator in a Cute T-Shirt
10 June 2010 by Mark Mitchell

David Einhorn would have you believe that he is brave crusader against corporate malfeasance. The truth is, he's a fraud who did serious damage to the markets.

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Europe Comes to Terms With Market Manipulation; the SEC and the American Media Bury Heads in the Sand
21 May 2010 by Mark Mitchell

The markets go haywire, Germany responds sensibly, and the American establishment refuses to contemplate the reality of criminal manipulation.

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On Wall Street, membership has its privileges
13 May 2010 by Judd Bagley

When these two banks enabled manipulative short selling, they were silently transferring wealth from the masses into the accounts of the privileged few.

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Goldman’s gold has lost its luster
06 May 2010 by Judd Bagley

Goldman may be flush with cash, but with pressure mounting on politicians to reject any of it in the form of campaign contributions, suddenly that cash doesn’t spend nearly as well as it used to.

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The SEC and its culture of regulatory capture
29 April 2010 by Judd Bagley

But dig a little deeper and you’ll find the Stanford case is the bigger outrage by far, not so much for the scam itself, but for the shocking behavior of the regulators tasked with preventing it. Where Madoff was enabled by SEC bureaucratic incompetence, Stanford was empowered by overt SEC indifference.

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Podcast: Rexxfield repairs online reputations
23 April 2010 by Judd Bagley

Rexxfield founder Michael Roberts specializes in repairing online reputations.

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Goldman Sachs, John Paulson, and the Hedge Funds that Pumped and Dumped Our Economy
20 April 2010 by Mark Mitchell

The Goldman CDO scandal and other evidence suggests that the U.S. economy was set up for a fall by market manipulating hedge funds.

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Two must-read books for any market reformer
16 April 2010 by Judd Bagley

Regular readers of this blog come from remarkably diverse backgrounds, but seem united by at least one shared experience: the act of having examined some aspect of our capital markets only to conclude that much of what the world has accepted as fundamental simply does not make sense.

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Manipulating Gold and Silver: A Criminal Naked Short Position that Could Wreck the Economy
02 April 2010 by Mark Mitchell

Naked short selling of gold and silver -- a threat to the stability of the financial system and evidence that our markets are rigged

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