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08/20/10 7:21 AM

#121018 RE: Bernanke_nomics #121017

Yeah, I am not too high on them "charts", either, waste of time posting them, more money to be made authoring books on how to read charts that don't work.
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08/20/10 12:27 PM

#121022 RE: Bernanke_nomics #121017

Why is it that anyone who makes a positive statement of their intent and hope for this company on this board has to come before anyone else with proof or some other qualification for their statements? He simply stated his hope and belief - echoing many others here - that the pps should be higher! What on earth is wrong with that?

However, your statements are once again misleading and inaccurate in your continued persistance that RealTime was the "core product" of the company, when in FACT it was not, nor EVER intended to be! What is was, was one of a suite of products - including iFinix Trader and eFinix - that just happened to be the first of that suite scheduled for release! So if we're going to call a spade a spade, your repeated use of "core product" is NOT TRUE!!

As for the fins being late, we are a pinksheet company, not held to the same reporting standards of other markets. Yes we are late but the requisite filings were made alluding to the fact that they were going to be late well in advance of the filing date. I don't understand the incessant barrage of some insisting on immediate release of fins. No one here expects glowing news about our fins....are you expecting to see something different? I believe it was stated that they would be out sometime soon. Yes it would be nice, but at the end of the day, what will it change? Nothing, other than underscore that we are still in our adolescent growing phase. I don't see how pps is tied to late fins personally, especially when no secret has been made about their expectations.

You do bring up a valid point about the wisdom and timing of an actual buyback. With Trader scheduled to be released soon, I have to agree with you that immediate capital should go in to insuring no problems with its release. I think too much of a show continues be made by some who are demanding instantaneous actions by Ben and company every time they simply utter a sound, only to get excoriated when what is said doesn't meet with THEIR expectations! I'm reminded of Sarah Palin here! It's no wonder they are slow to come out with addtional announcements. Why can't it simply be enough to know that management is concerned with pps; and the mere fact that they are considering a buy back provides me with the only proof I need.

I would challenge anyone here to put themselves in Ben's shoes, or anyone else working for this company, and attempt to do what they are doing in today's anti-business environment!! How many here would be up to that type of challenge? None, I dare say.

Imagine, just for a minute, if everyone here on this board - with the exception of one (or 7, but who's counting) - started working as a collective whole for the overall good of the company and decided to dispense with the constant negativity for awhile and cut the company just a little slack and give them the benefit of the doubt in knowing that they are doing their level best to give us ALL a maximum return on our investment! Ben is still following a very strong business plan that IS taking shape. All he needs is a little breathing room and a little time. BTW, they are one of the only pinksheet companies that actually has a working phone number with real people to talk to, and they will talk to you about your questions and concerns.

I think we all want the same thing for everyone here, don't we? Or did I miss something somewhere? We all were hoping that 2010 was going to be "The Year" for iFinix. It still could be! We have 4 months left in this year and big plans on the near horizon. A positive attitude goes alot farther than a negative one does! And if things should happen to fall into 2011 a bit, so what?

I still firmly believe in this company and I'm not going anywhere! To quote Woody, "I'm holdin' till the rope breaks!"

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08/20/10 12:47 PM

#121024 RE: Bernanke_nomics #121017

Well, I'm damn tired of waiting!!!