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02/13/05 10:03 PM

#1016 RE: Koikaze #1015

ZEEV, GOLD - up to ZEEV:357998, 02/13/05

02/12: (357851) (*COMMENT*)
OT<<If America had stayed on the Gold Standard and just grew at a normal pace and worked hard - THINK were she would be today. THINK of the future we could have left our children. No instead we will all be slaves in a cage - a zoo.>>>

WestPacific, I have been reading your posts-dozens, if not hundreds of negative diatribes against America for a long time -- It seems like you need a history lesson, and I don't think Ayn Rand is the best source for your philosophy or history education:

You ask what America could have been, and I respond that America has been just about as busy as was humanly possible saving people like you from heaven knows what for the past 70 or 80 years. Let me ask you a few questions, in no particular order, that might help you understand what American has been doing for the world during this time, while many other nations have spent a good deal of their time complaining about us.

1. What do you think would have happened to the world if America had not intervened in WW1? -- would Europe be as strong as it is today?

2. What do you think would have happened to the world if America had not intervened in WW2? ? Do you think that the Nazis would have been the proper people to rule the world? -- nothing would have stopped them but America.

3. Do you think the Berlin wall would have been torn down if not for America? -- for that matter are you aware that America saved Berlin right after the war with the airlift?

4. What would have happened to South Korea if not for America?

5. Do you really think that America had any choice in regards to allowing Iraq to control 78% of the world's oil supplies?... Do you think that Saddam would have stopped at Kuwait and not gone on to Saudi Arabia?

6. Where would the World's scientists be if not for America -- do you believe that science would be as advanced without America?

7. Where would the poor and hungry of the planet be if not for America -- do you understand that America has probably been more generous with its wealth -- by what, a factor or 10, a factor of 50? -- than all the rest of the nations of the world put together?

8. Would man have sent foot on another heavenly body if not for America?

9. Would we have an internet if not for America?

10. Did I mention Democracy and the Constitution that has given hundreds of millions of people life, hope, and a decent life? -- were these the gifts of some nation from the West Pacific?

11. Where would Japan be today but not for the generosity and kindness of America after WW2?

12. Where would Germany be today but not for the generosity and kindness of America after WW2?

WestPacific, I have to get back to the market now. I could sit here and list another 500 American gifts to the world, but I will close by saying that you seem to think that your thoughts are very profound regarding America's problems. You capitalize your dictate that we all must THINK about what you say. You tell us we will all be slaves in a cage in a ZOO.

You need to do some thinking young man, for you fail to understand that it is America that has already saved you from exactly what you are afraid of--it was America that kept you from being a slave in a cage.

We know we have problems, but you need to look more on the positive side of what America has done.Those of us who have studied history are well aware that no nation has ever sustained its position of superpower forever. But I will suggest this to you, if America continues in its generosity, continues to allow the Constitution to be its prime directive in all important affairs, continues to strive to advance the cause of the common man, then there is a mighty good chance that we will be around and leading the way for a very long time.

If we stayed on the gold standard, the economic cycle would drastically amplified and we would go from massive inflation followed by depressions every decade. I have presented a detailed analysis of the "sodom bed" of the gold standard few times (#msg- 507644, msg#-555089, #msg-1150995, #msg-1150808, #msg-1471212).

A lot of people think that Greenspan is still a gold bug, well you may want to read "Maestro" by Bob Woodward to get an inkling on his conversion. I think that today, Greenspan would consider being called a "GOLD bug" or a supporter of backing currencies with GOLD as an asteisticon. Of course, this assertion may be nothing more than indulgence in obnubilation on my part. Many still maintain that Greenspan never left the "Austrian discipline" camp, I think these people are witnessing nothing but kinephantoms, though.

02/13: (357998) (*COMMENT*)
Hi Zeev: I'll have to give your last post about "free market raining," [stet]some thought. It's been my experience that you can't reign in a printing press with a reigning machine. The Boys in Treasury are pretty slick.

But the free market is working, the dollar Euro ratio has gone from $.80 to $1.36, a 70% decrease, that is how the market works...and look how well, when the dollar was at $.80/Euro, gold was at $250/ounce, multiply that by 1.70 and you get exactly the recent high in gold at $425/ounce. Actually, European gold bugs have not had any appreciation in their gold holdings in the last three years in term of their own currencies. Holding Euro would have been much better since you also collect a meager non zero libor rate.