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08/18/10 5:23 PM

#6494 RE: mrmoe3 #6493

Pink trading takes a special type of grit. Unfortunately it isn't as easy as I would like it to be although some make it appear as if it is super easy. There are a lot of tricks to the trade that can make you very successful but it takes time and loss. The reason why it takes loss... is simply because you learn far more from loss than you ever will from a gain. Lose a few times big and you'll learn a far greater lesson than on any gain. And if you don't... you weren't paying attention.

Luckily, there are a lot of brokers that are no longer accepting sub penny certificates. I think we're going to see some major changes to the penny market in general. Fewer fraudulent fundings will happen. Fewer junk promotions. It should even up the playing field a bit. It isn't going to go away completely but it should make it a bit more level.