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Replies to #5551 on chART Analysis


08/18/10 12:42 AM

#5552 RE: MaryKateAustin #5551

That seems pretty consistent with the market murmurs... that this is an economic environment that could be good for some nimble small caps with good ideas, and not so much good for industrial behemoths. I haven't seen much consideration of that in a LONG time, not even a remark, much less in depth discussion... in terms of the market cycles and how they tend to interact with corporate life cycles...

Usually, you would think there WILL be a dying off of mature industries over time... with a process in which new comers in new industries are continually replacing them... with some obvious rotation among industries in the averages, as new industries result from innovation ?

Where is the innovation ? Which of the dinosaurs are heading for the trash heap ?

I think the dying industrial dinosaurs have been put on government funded health care... to live beyond their years, continuing to take up vastly more space than they should, while trampling all over the future that should be now...

IMO, we need to put some dinosaurs down... take them off life support, to enable survival of something other than fewer and fewer, larger and larger dinosaurs.

I wasn't very convinced by the chatter re the Hindenburg Omen... until I heard Jim Cramer dissing it tonight. Now, I think you might need to take it a bit more seriously...

But, then, while the Hindenburg disaster did cause a HUGE shock at the time... "Oh, the humanity", caught on film... it didn't exactly do much we'd think relevant, now, to undermine the evolution of aerospace industries ? Without it, though, maybe we'd be blimping all over the place, still... thrilling to the aerobatic maneuvers of the Blue Blimps and the Thunder Blimps aerial demonstration teams flying their Army and Navy fighter blimps ???

Let the market work !!!


08/25/10 4:00 PM

#5556 RE: MaryKateAustin #5551

CIIC .69 Chart


09/30/10 11:43 AM

#5571 RE: MaryKateAustin #5551

Mary - we are on the hunt for you again! I hope we aren't intruding on your life~! :)

When you disappear we all get a little concerned. Guess we all just LUV our Mary!

I have Matt emailing you. We miss ya! Come back to us!

Hope all is well!



10/04/10 9:09 PM

#5572 RE: MaryKateAustin #5551

No Mary yet, eh?