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08/18/10 12:53 AM

#66706 RE: CopperKen #66704

i think one day we will wake up and CPRK will be all gone or wake up and it will be running full bore making millions of dollars and the stock price will shoot up


08/18/10 1:11 AM

#66707 RE: CopperKen #66704

Ken, I had a discussion with CAM about doing a PR a few weeks ago, and he planned to but he had a personal issue come up that he had to deal with, and also there is a money issue, they cost money that is not in the emergency finance budget. So he opted for a shareholder note rather then spend money on an actual Marketwire PR. His note has been posted here, and on MSB and on the CPRKSA website, combined with his email list I think it will reach almost all the current shareholders.(I suspect it will get posted on yahoo and google finance as well) The only drawback to this is that is may not reach as many new investors via the wires, but it was really good to hear something from the company.(JB contributed to the note as well) I also spoke to JB about doing PR's, and his view is that he would rather do a PR saying what has happened rather than what is going to happen, but I think some good points were communicated to the shareholders, and expect more to come. A big thanks to CAM who by the way is working for free for the time being. By the way if any of you guys have added shares recently please update CPRKSA with your new total.

also, thank you to control it for the pdf posting info.

one more thing, our neighbor Kennecott is making some news


08/18/10 2:24 PM

#66714 RE: CopperKen #66704

The long info dry spell is behind should be coming pretty regularly from now on during the next few
Months...takes about six months to get a Mazerati so we better get our orders in ASAP!!!


08/20/10 4:06 PM

#66740 RE: CopperKen #66704

There is a good chance something significant has happened recently.

CPRKQ Mantra.

Moral: We never know what it is until after, and it's probably not good.

It's over when the fat lady sings, and until I hear that note, I'm not even giving one damn thought to this being "Resolved" or "Cleared up" or "Having a good significant event sometime soon"

I'll know it when I see it, and untill then, all I see is us, still in the same waterlogged, sinking, shabby ass boat.

It really doesn't do justice at all to be dignifying it as a possibility. Have we learned nothing so far from believing what's obviously too-good-sounding to be real?