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08/17/10 8:39 PM

#69217 RE: skennedy2005 #69216

An explanation of the Laidlaw structure in simple terms that any idiot (myself included) could understand would be nice. There are posters alot smarter than me that seem to be at odds of what exactly is going on.


08/18/10 7:10 AM

#69239 RE: skennedy2005 #69216

I have no clue why some here don't understand these concerns we are bringing up,given the GLARING FACTS in the documents. What is missing is the details and translation from management.

unfortunately some longs here resort to name calling,and juvenille antics "weak hands" etc. You would think were considered traitors,for us simply trying to question and understand how this new situation affects ALL of us.

Everyone here will try to spin this thing how they like,as for me I rather deal in facts. If we are wiped out,then so be it,if we a part owner of NEWCO,then so be it. We just can't be sure at this time.

Why should we speculate as to say "oh the ceo is a great guy,he wouldn't do that to us","ceo is a stock holder too" as if he couldnt simply just sell us all down the river,and just type up a whole new bunch of free shares in the the new entity,as part of the deal.

No one knows the truth here,i haven't sold any shares,I figured I will wait for a pr explanation,wich is most likely NOT forthcoming.

The price will continue to suffer without clarity in the meantime JMO. I hope i'm wrong.


08/18/10 9:52 AM

#69267 RE: skennedy2005 #69216

I am amazed at how this has been handled.

This could be an amazing opportunity- the project is fully funded... Laidlaw working with a large corporation...

Not only has it been botched, but shareholders are clueless as to what is happening and how this affects us.

The company needs to offer an explanation, as at the beginning of this process it was not LBB, it was LLEG,meaning our dollars and cents, that went into this venture

SO please Laidlaw let us know what is happening, why this is a positive development (should be fairly obvious) and where shareholders will gain due to this deal