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08/17/10 10:56 AM

#3382 RE: wau77 #3380

thanks! like you, i can take the loss, and i will hold my millions right now and maybe there will be a buyout.. dont make sense to sell now for very little!!
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08/17/10 11:19 AM

#3384 RE: wau77 #3380

I am not moving off this board...

The worst thing you can do is leave Ronn to screw more investors.

I personally cant do that. My consience wont allow it. Heck I can afford the loss, but what about that poor individual new to the game that gets lured in. I wouldn't be a descent human being to let Ronn just lure in other victims as his prey without exposing him for what he is!!! His actions represent the darkness and we need light to remain!!!

Whatever you wish to call it, Ronn needs to be held accountable..

SEC or go after their sponsors and partners. He will not be allowed to do this to anyone else without several of us I hope, informing potential investors of his past ruthlessness and dishonesty....

I couldn't sleep at night just going away thinking he is buying a bigger house, boat, car, or whatever at the price of screwing future shareholders .... Nope Sorry!!!
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08/17/10 11:35 AM

#3386 RE: wau77 #3380

Wau77.. The bottom line to me: Is this a fraudulent Scam or not ?? It's either one or the other. Regardless how most feel being ripped off, in all liklihood Ronn just ran out of Capital funds and frankly probably hasn't incurred nearly the product Sales to generate Revenue as he had "Estimated" in his sales forecast (which is a mgmt function of theoretical proportion). Knowing how forecasting works (which is NOT an exact science), one can only "guesstimate" what'S gonna happen under a myriad of situations. Because revenues haven't turned out quite as proilific as Ronn "HOPED", it's an easily handled situation for any Manager to explain away the shortfall by merely stating their "Estimated Forecast" was not met. Now this by no means makes shareholders happy but the problem still stands that the Company is incuring expenses and burning through more cash than it has or has generated and the only way to stay afloat is to either "borrow" from financiers or ( as I learned in business class) the cheapest way for a company to raise funds is to sell their own stock which I'm confident you're aware has a diluting effect. Selling shares does piss off shareholders but at least the Company does not incurr any interest bearing expenses. Therefore, I tend to feel that Ronn is "scrambling" to maintain the company and the easiest / cheapest way of handling the problem is back up the truck, restructure through a R/S and keep his head above water financially. We are not pleased but what other choice do ew have ??? Although, I don't believe this is a scam at all ( back in Nov 2009 I DID receive a slick looking phamphlet detailing the Med-Flash product).