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08/17/10 12:46 PM

#114184 RE: was SaltLife #114183

It looks like the TA used old certs that were already printed. If it was to save costs, I'm all for it...but if it's another "oversight" then it looks like nothing has changed.

And for all of the experts out there that say why spend the $40 for a worthless piece of paper: I equate it to a poker hand. I've anted and raised, saw the raise, etc. therefore making my $40 a token of what is invested in the pot. I think it's pretty cheap to see the last card for $40 versus folding and not even having the chance. Chance? not really but some chance is better than no chance at all.

Either way, it would be nice to wipe my arse with FatBastard's name on the new roll of T.P. should they fold. I'd say they should print a likeness of the big Tub'O'Shitt but probably wouldn't be able to fit in on the same roll. They could always paste a picture of the little turd eater Theresa on it though.