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08/16/10 2:35 PM

#70906 RE: Quantum X #70905

Alls I know is it must be 11 pills per day and 11 tokes of HESG stock paper to get this creative?
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08/16/10 7:55 PM

#70919 RE: Quantum X #70905

Following the 11 theme
Genesis 1 Verse 11
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
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Quantum X

08/17/10 12:19 PM

#70928 RE: Quantum X #70905

I woke up last night and looked at the clock. It said 11:38, oh I thought, I'm surprised it isn't 11:11. But then I remembered that HESG entered into the portal of manifestation on 11-11-2009, which in essence was 11-11-11 because 2+9 = 11. Well of course 3+8 = 11, it is 11:11. Satified with my mathematical accomplishments, I went beck to sleep, and dreamed the dream where everything you wish for in the heart, comes true......