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08/16/10 12:44 PM

#3346 RE: STONE3 #3345

one thing i know is you or anyone else does not know where a pinky is going!! will you admit that? and you like me can only guess.. if you know something we dont please forward that info to the board!!


08/16/10 12:45 PM

#3347 RE: STONE3 #3345

A week ago......

I was optimistic somewhat because I believed in the product and charts. The CEO, I had reservations.. The charts were looking up like a bottom had formed. I, in my wildest dreams seen no reason for a reverse split at this juncture and reviewing all the posts saying Ronn said he would not reverse split, I believed this to be the case....

What I know today, the company is out of money, sales did not generate like they needed them to. They threw everything at this besides the kitchen sink. Now they want to switch gears and try another idea. Probably an idea that came up with while having a beer in Hawaii...on our dime..

Folks, there are people in this world that have no business being in the positions they are in. This is the case with Ronn Screwman. He needs to go!!!

Someone said fire his pr advisor. His PR advisor didn't make this stupid decision. Ronnie did...

He has not earned a chance to recover imho. Now he has created two subsidiaries. Folks, what the heck is this. More overhead and costs to maintain??? YES......For a freakin company generating 45,000 a quarter in revs... Give me a break....

I just love the International twist on the one subsidiary:

MedFlash International Corporation

Yep, this is his license to travel abroad on our dime as well!!!!
Honestly, its stupid, I mean ignorant...