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10/10/02 2:29 PM

#1581 RE: wbmw #1579

wbmw: I think that the market has moved from a forward-looking perspective to a "show-me" perspective. I do not think that we will see much sustained positive market reaction to any 4Q outlooks, unless they are accompanied by more than a few upside earnings surprises. The market in general is getting tired of hearing that recovery is just around the corner. So am I.

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Elmer Phud

10/10/02 2:58 PM

#1582 RE: wbmw #1579

wbmw -

A Nov $20 PUT on QQQ will bring you a buck. That gives you a cost of $19 if assigned or a buck if no assignment. Looking at today's conditions, if you had applied the same strategy last month and sold an OCT $21 put and pocketed the cash, it would cost you $0.75 today to buy it back yet you could roll it out to a Nov $20 @ ~$1.00 and still put another $0.25 more in your pocket. You lower your strike price and still make money. Applying this same theme to today, if you sell the Nov $20 PUT you will pocket cash and still have the option of rolling if we're near the strike price in Nov. I'm willing (eager) to own lots of QQQs under $20 and this is what I will be doing.