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08/09/10 1:40 PM

#217453 RE: Phishentine #217452

Gee Wizz Phishy...that looks like a Cash Injection!!
Does it Not???? lol


08/09/10 3:28 PM

#217465 RE: Phishentine #217452

Microsoft - "Time Till Tell"

Company's the size and reputation of both Buongiorno and NeuStar would not be taking a contractual shine to a war torn tattered black-n-blue 'start-up' company such as NeoMedia unless there was something definitive driving these relationships. I go back to NeoMedia's IP foundation and what Frank C. Hudetz - "Father of the QR Code Scan to URL" patent inventor & holder said recently as follows:

Frank C. Hudetz Weighs in on MSFT Tag


"To the Microsoft Tag part of this discussion, from all I have read, they may be in violation of the indirect patent which long term, I would imagine Microsoft will either begin charging based on that fact alone or cease to offer this service."

LinkedIn's "2D Codes for Global Media"

Topic: What are you charging for QR's


Also see here Franks direct reply to inquiries made: Poptech questions Frank C. Hudetz

'2D Codes for Global Media' LinkedIn's forum

Frank C. Hudetz

• To the Microsoft Tag part of this discussion, from all I have read they may be in violation of the indirect patent which long term I would imagine Microsoft will either begin charging based on that fact alone or cease to offer this service.

2 days ago


Jon Cameron, aka Poptech @ Frank C. Hudetz

• Frank: Do you have a link to your source on Microsoft infringing? In a 2009 conference call, NeoMedia's CEO said he had spoken with Microsoft and he seemed to dismiss the notion Microsoft would be an indirect licensee.

21 hours ago


Andrew Katz @ Jon Cameron, aka Poptech:

• If my memory is correct, the CEO of NeoMedia stated they are speaking with MSFT, AND all the other players in the space. He never seemed to dismiss the notion you speak of. Do you happen to have a link to the CC you are referring to? This way we could verify. Also, Frank C. Hudetz is the patent holder, not sure what link you might be looking for that would source the MSFT infringement. This is as good as it gets.

3 hours ago


Jon Cameron, aka Poptech @ John and Andrew:

• I am not looking to have a debate with NeoMedia shareholders - of which I am one. I was asking about Frank's references when he said, "from all I have read" Microsoft was infringing. I am interested to read those sources also. That's all.


Frank C. Hudetz @ Jon Cameron, aka Poptech:

• My sources would be unpublished emails and my own knowledge of the invention. Also, just so there is no comment was that Microsoft may be in violation...not is in violation...time will tell.

1 hour ago


JP @ Jon Cameron, aka Poptech:

• Jon, do you have a link to that particular NeoMedia Conference Call and the exact minute mark where NeoMedia's CEO "seemingly" dismisses the notion that MSFT would be an indirect licensee? I'm sure you are well aware that Frank C. Hudetz is the QR Code (Scan to URL) Inventor and patent originator/holder of this very same patent you've made reference to. Also in case you didn't know, NeoMedia has 4 core Physical World Connection patents - 2 Hudetz patents & 2 Durst patents:

Hudetz - 5,933,829 & 6,199,048
Durst - 5,933,829 & 6,108,656

That said, it will nonetheless be very interesting to see how future financial structuring will evolve in light of aforementioned.

1 hour ago


Jon Cameron aka Poptech @ JP

• John P: As you know, NeoMedia does not maintain such records so I assume your comment was meant to be rhetorical. I am just not sure what your think was the obvious answer; or how it would be related to QR code costs or your future financial structuring.

4 hours ago


JP @ Jon Cameron, aka Poptech

• Jon, maybe best to keep these types of comments on another thread, as there is no need to sully the waters here at a professionally shared resource consortium.

4 hours ago