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02/02/05 11:45 PM

#22366 RE: gooddoc #22365

Man Goodoc, you got criticize right the first time. So here I am, all proud of you and actually cheering for your newfound literacy, and you go and change the spelling 3 times.

Have large order in for .021 all day MM's wouldn't touch it. There are some in this world that constantly criticize. While others go forward with the hope and dream of success. Those who critisize either dislike themselves or can't stand others achievments. Constructive critisismm is a good thing, baseless critisism serves no one. Good luck Walter on your next drill and good luck all NSDM shareholders............Gooddoc


02/03/05 5:34 PM

#22371 RE: gooddoc #22365

Hey Walter

Where did your furry hat picture go?