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08/08/10 10:44 PM

#149964 RE: tride93 #149957

Thanks Stephy. Good to have you back. Please entertain us.

Fire Lane

08/08/10 11:00 PM

#149966 RE: tride93 #149957

your attorney didnt do any DD here.


08/08/10 11:06 PM

#149969 RE: tride93 #149957

one of the things that i have learned in penny stocks is that the people who say how many shares they own in a stock are usually the biggest wind bags.
"escrow"? please do explain
a lawyer in so cal that charges 360.00 an hr is equal to a ambulance chaser in other states that do not have a high cost of living
but beyond all of that i am sorry that you pay your bills out of your defensable penny stocks cause brother it looks like the lights are about to go out at your house
GO FFGO:):):)


08/09/10 9:01 AM

#150007 RE: tride93 #149957

I like your perspective on investing. Drastically reduce the chances of losing your principle, even if you have to legally recoup them....sweet! I am obviously not in your position now but when a portfolio grows you can protect it even if you have to spend an insignificant amout to recoup it and keep the growth potential, which was the reason you invested in the first place. An attorney also can detect flaws or loopholes in submitted forms. (ie. 8K's etc)If I ever get to that point(portfolio) I will look at your scenario closer. Thx for your input...



08/09/10 9:09 AM

#150011 RE: tride93 #149957

Congrats on your 1B FFGO shares, tride, and we appreciate your input. I actually know others such as yourself with 1B or more shares of FFGO, and I'm not referring to myself unfortunately. I WISH I had that much!

This week should get Very interesting!



Posted by: tride93 Date: Sunday, August 08, 2010 10:18:23 PM
In reply to: newtrader2007 who wrote msg# 149950 Post # of 150011

You may rest assured that I spent more than you could afford. My attorney simply does DD and advises me if my position is defenseable. I was advised of any potential red flags, but based my decision on the existing filings and documented statements by the company. On this level, any potential deception is not referred to as "lies", it is much more serious. I make my own purchasing decisions and I have the means to make certain that people and companies follow through with promises and claims.