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08/05/10 11:42 AM

#76862 RE: Santa Barbara Broker #76858

Shh, don't scare the kittens too soon. Lets try and reach .0009 first.
When it does go back down, then we can tout the Sept 15th date! LOL
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08/05/10 11:48 AM

#76864 RE: Santa Barbara Broker #76858

Take profits??? I'm not selling a share. This is only getting started.

Also I'm interested to know if I met the new ceo and just didn't know it.....

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08/05/10 12:04 PM

#76874 RE: Santa Barbara Broker #76858

1) EXPH has produced absolutely nothing in over a year related to it's performance so no one knows anything about their performance other than prior to June 30, 2009.

Your correct on this, it does suck and nobody does know for sure about thier performace prior to June 30th 2009. Hopefully this gets cleared up on or around the SH meeting.

2) You have no idea one way or the other if EXPH's management is "honest". You haven't even met their new CEO.

True, but on the other side of the coin you really have no way of knowing if the new CEO is dishonest either I guess it just depends on how you want to look at things.

3) The quality of EXPO's products might be the best ever designed, but to date (with the exception of one quarter in which a lot of order delay based shifting was done per the company) they have lost money on every cabinet and display going out the door.

Now how would you know that they have lost money on every cabinet and display they make if you don't have any numbers since June of last year. Seems a rather bold statement to be making since you used the wording "to date" which would mean present day and your "to date" numbers you might be basing that on are over a year ago, so its really no where near a factual statement. Just wanted to clear that up so people don't get confused.