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02/02/05 3:52 AM

#1241 RE: imaginative trader #1240


You might have been confused by EP's response where he said, "They (GC) wrap their core around ACSR or ACCC." I believe he meant "cable" versus "core".

Otherwise, not only is what has been said correct, but it is important to also understand the need (even if CPTC created the entire product) that they be in bed with GC - even if all they were was a distributor. The reason is because it gives them instant credibility. You can do all the tests you want, but if GC says the product is worthy, then utilities will buy it.

And, furthermore, there will be copycat products come along. If you are already in bed with GC, that automatically makes everyone else swim upstream. If not, then someone else gets in bed with GC and guess who is swimming upstream then?
