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08/03/10 4:30 PM

#301920 RE: eliaman #301919

So much for his new lawyer ... PV just got handed another blow of Defeat. Steve Sulja and Scott Sullivan will both be testifying against him it seems.
Can we say Kingston Penitentiary for PV??

The motion brought by the Respondents Vucicevich, Shah and Banumas is dismissed, without prejudice to the right of the Respondents to make any objection to the admissibility of evidence submitted at the hearing on the merits on the grounds that evidence is subject to solicitor-client privilege. This order shall not restrict the panel hearing this matter on the merits from making any order it considers appropriate with respect to the evidence to be admitted or as to the applicability of solicitor-client privilege to any such evidence.
Dated at Toronto this 30th day of July, 2010.


08/03/10 4:34 PM

#301921 RE: eliaman #301919

This is funny. The Grand Imam of the Elmira mosque celebrates what he and followers believe is a great victory. As I said before.....

One has to wonder what Sulja would have to offer since he claims to have little/no knowledge of what was going on around him, constantly wandering around in a state of non compos mentis.
There is little anyone could add to the admissions that PV has already made to authorities where he acknowledged manipulating the stock price. There would seem to be very little Mr. Ducharme could offer in the way of exculpatory evidence.

Some people proclaim victory when in fact they are looking at the most certain destruction of that which they hold near and dear. Such a loss of face is tragic. The "longs" certainly know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


08/04/10 4:41 PM

#301922 RE: eliaman #301919

I'm suprised you posted the latest order from the OSC. Surely you didn't think this was positive news for Black Pete and his little band of thieves (or for the now non-existent scam corporation, SLJB Nevada)!