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08/01/10 10:01 PM

#103638 RE: StephanieVanbryce #103628

You're starting to come around a bit

Step 1. Get rid of the waste and corruption

Step 2. Let the people spend their own money and the economy will be OK.

A big part of the problem is that our government thinks that they can spend our money better than we can. All that money that goes to Washington doesn't come back out in a very efficient way... So much of it goes to corruption and the rest goes to programs that are perceived to buy votes. Why over pay to a union to build a public park at inflated $$ on the side of town where nobody is going to use it?

Let the public spend their own money... They will spend it where the best value is and those business will flourish and hire more people to fill the demand. More people will be working, unemployment will go down so more people will spend for more stuff and the next thing you know the economy is improving.

Businesses will not hire until there is increased demand... The government can not provide that demand ( Note GM, Chrysler, car buying incentives, house buying incentives... ). By the way... Ford did not take any government money and they are doing very well. See "Ford builds US market share"

So... The consumer needs to provide the demand then businesses will need more employees to make all the stuff...

Where is the consumer going to get the money to do this? If you send it to Washington first not enough of comes back out out in the right places.

Dick Milde