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07/31/10 12:19 PM

#43272 RE: Peter2004 #43270

Peter, I dont see any base in your arguments.

moreover, go check with VMIX site you will find news about MMX.

regarding EMI and WARNER, you cannot expect that they will publish the name of a startup company. Also, ENTI is just one of the customer out of millions. DONT expect EMI and WARNER to list all million customers, WORLDWIDE.

if you dont believe they have millions customer, atleast they will be having thousands of customers.

Wait for attorney letter.
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07/31/10 1:15 PM

#43274 RE: Peter2004 #43270

On ENTI proving relationships:

here's a typical nonpublicity provision in about 99% of contract templates used by large / sophisticated corporations:


27.1 Without the prior written consent of the other party (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) neither party shall (a) make any news release, public announcement, denial or confirmation of this Agreement or its subject matter, or (b) advertise or publish any facts relating to this Agreement, unless otherwise required to do so by law.

Now, yes, it MAY look like all's that's needed is consent, but i can tell you, close to impossible with any large corporation...that's a fact...the approval chain goes through corporate communications, legal, and other departments who's default position is, "NO, NEVER", unless the other party is a super huge company and the deal's a merger type thing.

anyone out there read one single conctract that's been made public which led you to use ihub, or amazon, or itunes, paypal, etc?

experienced and honest attorney would know, and would have told everyone, that almost every contract ever executed between companies, especially big name companies, require that the terms of the agreement remain confidential. (see provision bolded above)

rarely is a little company in control of the information when entering into contracts/agreements with larger companies...

in fact, there are many circumstances where even the existence of the contract and a party name be kept confidential and not spoken of in public....variety or reasoning behind that...

folks, i'm a currently practicing attorney, have background in criminal prosecution (years as an Assistant District Attorney), and am currenty in house in a huge company dealing with business development, marketing, government compliance, and any variety of other matters. I'll never suggest anyone here takes anyone's word or even advice when it comes to the merits of any legal issues...including me...but i can say this...i've personally negotiated and had the company execute hundreds of contracts that nobody except my company and the other company know fact, out contract template language requires that the other company not use our name, logo, or make any reference to our company in public, or even list my company on their "client" or "partner" list on websites.......

BUT, demands made, sometimes make sense, and i see the point...but making the absolute demands being made lately, is not realistic or reasonable, and betrays, imo, a lack of understanding of how things work, at least nowadays.

just saying, imo, take caution when somebody claims to have the sole and absolute truth on any matter, especially legal ones...again, that includes me...

lastly, i'm seeing a lot of inflamatory words in posts, rarely does that happen when there's evidence that can be presented....else, the trigger words wouldn't be necessary, would they?

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07/31/10 2:25 PM

#43286 RE: Peter2004 #43270

thats not true if u go on VMIX website you can clearly see that they post on there that they handle all of video..