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07/30/10 8:27 AM

#144289 RE: PeterS237 #144288

2 MM at .0001
with 63 minutes before open


07/30/10 8:40 AM

#144299 RE: PeterS237 #144288

OK ALL, 'Teaching Moment' Let's use FFGO's last press recently released.

We’ll call it the PINK LEMONAID-Twist!

This is from FFGO’s last Press Release.

Fortress Financial Group, Inc. has issued a press release informing shareholders that the final steps in preparation of the sale of the company's gold interests have been completed. There will be no further information forthcoming prior to the release of the details of the transaction to be announced Monday August 2, 2010 at 8:00 am. The entire text of the Press release follows:

Notice FFGO's common play of words, "Final Steps In Preparation"

They didn’t say FINAL STEP, they said FINAL STEPS.
That letter 'S' means MORE STEPS are to be taken BEFORE the preparation of the deal!

Reading between the play of words, the DEAL, all the hungry-shareholders are drooling for, is still being prepared, but deliberately worded to sound like it's being Final.

That is the trigger-word what turns their Completed Deal implications into another one of their usual play of words that say, "ALMOST but not-quite THERE"

They’ve been in that word-play-loop for over a year!

And amazingly, still at it with even a bigger following!

I’ve DD’ed this company and they are TRUE PAYERS of the pink game.

Classic Hook-&-Snaggers.

To prove this point, watch the play of words the release by August 2.

Many may likely grab shares today, literally BANKING on big returns, but by next money’s PR release FFGO will give their usual,

When I said “TOO”,
I meant ”TO”
Sorry You got the “TWO” confused.

So you see everyone? I know these pinks and FFGO (along with its tucked away sister company HGLC) are classics!