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07/28/10 10:52 PM

#10604 RE: Alleyba1 #10603

Alleyba hears.........

That the release concerning China is pure BS. Reality is that JB told people that, and I have heard it from more than one source, that under the guise of discussions for a new plant in China, which imo, is more bullsh*t, Peter is utilizing IPWG money to fly to China to try and raise money for his new company. John, how can you release this pure crap to the shareholders. Everyone knows the money will not be announced and you have the nerve to talk about a plant in China?

Who are you meeting with in China? No group or individual was mentioned. Cut the crap. Peter is flying there with our money at the expense of the shareholders.

John do not be a scape goat. Do not forget it is YOU who SIGNS the checks and resolutions. IT is YOU who signs the forms that are filed in Delaware. It is YOU who bashed the Irish in the news release. It is you who took the Irish money and put it in IPWG account and it is YOU who disbursed it and cut the checks. Where did the money from the Irish go John. How about posting an accounting of it on the message board?

If I am Peter Toscano, I would say who signd the checks, filed the forms and signed the resolutions? Not I. Whatwill you say John? You did that on advice of counsel because we are a private company. Walk the walk John.

The company diluted millions of shares in the past few months. If it went to the accountants the books would already be done. So we know the money did not go there. You said you spent it on attorneys to fight the chill yet no releases or updates on chill until you are challenged on the message board.

Are you willing to risk possibly defending lawsuits or going away for Peter Toscano? I hope not. I am still trying to do the math....the Irish own approx 30% of the shares and you need an 80% vote to take the company private and you, Peter and the BOD's have more than 20%. John how can you say in a public press release that the IRISH with their 30% are planning to take the company private?

I wonder why the Irish are sitting back. You actually lied in the press release IMO. Are you sure the time you spent in Poland did not somehow transform you into a Polack? No disrespect to people of Polish descent. John wake up. You are being put on the cross as a scape goat. You still can save yourself.....maybe.

I for one will be celebrating this weekend because I bet some shareholders 2 steak dinners to my 10 that the money will never be announced as being received this week. the most international wires clear in 4-7 days. I say it will not be announced anytime soon because it is already there or you will say there was a snag in wiring the money.

I for one want to know what happened to the money the Irish paid for their legal and illegal stock. Rumor has it Peter received over 50% of it, maybe up to 75%. For the shareholders John let us hear the real story. I have more respect for your cousin who went all in at the poker tournament with pocket 10's and lost to Jacks. At least i know where that Benvengo's money went.

John you are supposed to be here for the shareholders and continually say you have their best interests at heart......prove it. Open the books and unload Toscano. Cut out the cancer. Why the board of directors stands for this is beyond me. Do they not care about their reputations, particularly Dr. Conte? The Conte name is very well respected in Northern NJ. Why would he stay on with all this crap going on?

John, John, talk so much you can't remember what you say to everyone. Account for the money John. It is not Peter's personal piggy bank for himself and his family.

All of the above is opinion only. Any real names mentioned are by coincidence and do not constitute people I have personally met. Consider them ficticious names as this is my disclaimer for all past and future posts.......and John as far as your cousin is concerned he should only cash in at a final table.