My opinions count too. Some how they get deleted. Must be because someone is a afraid of others opinions. I do not agree with you. You have no proof of r/s or the Buy Back or much of anything.
How long has it been since the new tubes were installed? Since that day algae has been continusly harvested. That is A LOT of algae. 50 gal of oil per acre per daywas the number from SJC's PBR. Algae is 50% oil and 50 gal weighs about 450 pounds so we are looking at 900 pounds of algae per acre per day. I dont remember how large the PBR in SA is but if it is 1/2 an acre that would put us at 400 pounds of algae per day.(12000 pounds a month) Based on that we have harvested around 5-6 tons of algae since the new tubes were put in. I dont know what they have done with 12000 pounds of algae but I cant really see them filling their trash dumpster with it every week. Everyone is looking for revenue it seems to me that revenue might already be in the bank. Either that or they have a very large algae mountain forming in their parking lot.