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07/27/10 1:55 PM

#41052 RE: Santa Barbara Broker #41051

You provided nothing I asked for..

I asked for a quote from Mr. Becker that you already have because you implied I didn't call him or that you have called him and he said differently..

I will not send your opinions to him..You can do that and get back to us on his reply..

You can send this as well..

I tried to get in touch with Mr Anderson who you said you talked with..You said that from that conversation that Mr. Anderson had no idea about the patents and if I called I would get a OVOE PK who? response..Well..Mr Anderson didn't get back to me after I called early Monday morning 7-19-10..

I waited until the next next day 7-20-10 and decided to call Mr. Becker..the person you say was quoted by One Voice..but didn't make that statement in the PR..

I placed the call to Mr. Becker at 1:55PM using the 561 area code phone number listed on the website..He answered the phone..I introduced myself by name..also saying I was an investor in One Voice and said that I had tried to get in touch with Mr Anderson concerning the patent sale for One Voice.

He said that Mr Anderson didn't work for him anymore. He asked if I could hold for a second and I said yes. We were cut off during that hold. I called right back and got his answering machine. I hung up and he called me right back at 1:59 PM and said he was sorry we were cut off.

I continued the conversation by stating that Mr Andserson was the only contact listed at ICAP for the patent sale and it has been said that Mr. Anderson has no idea about the patent sale and I just wanted to verify that information.

Mr Becker again said that Mr anderson doesn't work for him anymore and that he personally has been handling the patent sale for One Voice. I said thanks for clearing that up. He went on to say if I wanted updates about the sale of the patents I could contact Dean Weber. That he could not give out updates because he had no way to verify who I was..He added that I could be a competitor of One Voice trying to get information..I told him I completely understood and only wanted to know that the sale was still ongoing which doubts had been raised by what another person said about Mr Anderson not knowing anything about the sale..He once again said he personally was handling the sale and to contact Mr Weber for updates.. can verify all of that or not..What I do know is that you have been guessing about the patent sale and have not called to verify what you have posted..I did call and you can send the above back and forth between Mr Becker and myself to Mr Becker for verification if you choose..

The bottom line is that Mr. Becker the CEO is handling the the patent sale personally and you have been quoted as saying that Mr Becker..

"is no longer involved in promotion or anything but the largest, most lucrative sales since 2009"..

Until I see a reply to you from Mr Becker..Case closed and thanks for the quote...veno