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Santa Barbara Broker

07/27/10 9:08 AM

#41049 RE: venomen2002 #41047

I got your quote about OVOE.PK for Mr. Becker.

"Mr. Becker:

The company who's patents you have committed your life to selling at the expense of all your other businesses, your family and your life in general (I was told this about you and everything else by the person delivering this message to you) are worthless IMHO. I believe they were developed in the mid 90s by Dean Weber to serve as potential nusiance suit fodder once the VR industry had matured. An example would be to patent the human movement of dirt from one place to another and then sue the company who invented the shovel for infringement. The person sending you this "quote" believes that OVOE.PK is a viable business bringing in millions of dollars in revenue and is about to sign a huge contract with Tracfone as well as roll out their MV email product to over 19M Telmex subs as well as another 6M in Mumbai India. He believes they have a large office in La Jolla, CA and over 5 employees. He also has believed this the entire time the company's stock has declined from a one time high of $555.00 per share in January of 2000 (split adjusted) to it's current value of .0025 of a penny.

I believe OVOE.PK is a bankrupt scam that defrauded it's shareholders out of over $70M over a ten year period, is currently around $10M in debt, listed as being "in default" on Nevada's Corporate Registration site and has had it's few remaining assets (revenues, A/S shares, etc) taken over by hedge funds Alpha Capital and Whalehaven Funds (who now also have control of the patents you have devoted the rest of your life to selling according to terms stated in OVOE.PK's SEC filings about their cash line with the aforementioned funders). All of this information can be confirmed by visiting the SEC site:

and looking up the company's SEC filings under "OVOE". I also believe the share price of OVOE.PK, their management's recent decision to go into filing default and assume dark status as well as ten years of failing to produce on a single P&D style PR they issued backs my opinion of their less than honest record of performance.

You may want to explore both sides of this issue from the perspective of which carries more weight from outside, unbiased, easily vetted sources and apply same to your decision to devote your life to OVPOE.PK's patents. That is if you have actually done so as is claimed by the person delivering this to you in email format. I have only his word to back the claim that you have spoken with him and confided this information to him as a loyal shareholder.

Warmest Regards,
Santa Barbara Broker
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 0605 HRS

There ya go sport. Send that on to Mr. Becker for me and let me know how things turn out with OVOE's patent sale.