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07/26/10 2:48 PM

#9865 RE: 10452km2 #9864

This needs updating, starts comments from this: POSITIVE - NEGATIVE - COMMENTS: (UPDATE...ATTN: TYLER)
Copy and paste as you feel to add to it. List your topic under Positive or Negative, but save your imo comments for the last IMO COMMENT category please. I'll watch it and weekly or so condense any overlapping items and delete any out of place stuff, and add updates from ideas gotten from members board posts. Start your "Post" by including in your copy/paste the "ANYONE GOT ANYTHING TO ADD: (UPDATE...ATTN: TYLER)," also please make sure to include this section of instructions... this way it will be an ongoing attention getter for current posters and newbies, as well as an informative way to keep all informed. KIND OF ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL - INCLUDING TYLER!!

* Online live gambling video to your home/motel-casino room starting June/July.
* Online sports betting starting June/July.
* New recent 06-10 casino acquisition, they now have 2 locations.
* More acquisitions planned
* Showing involvement with World Classs Charities PR.
* Live "Roulabette" up and running again
* With the new acquisitions comes NAME RECOGNITION = ADVERTISING!
* Upgraded from limited to current on "Pinksheets 06-23-10."
* IR contact that actually responds to investor inquiries: Company IR email "Tyler Cornell" at
* Improving financials from one quarter to the next
* New Facebook page out:
* YouTube link

* Most current investors seem to have strong beliefs and strong holds.
* Soon to come news of possible 3rd and 4th "Grand Openings."
* Check this article out!
* Recent involvement with large D.R. charity event.
* Fight card rescheduled for August 21st.
* Keep posting, this is a good informative board.
* Great opportunity to cost average down.
* CEO Steven Swank has held true to his word.
* Transparent PR's, although any company could always be more transparent.
* Negotiating a 4th location announcement, with negotiations for a 3rd in progress.
* Pics of investor's conference to soon be posted on Official CGAQ FB page.
* The online gambling and sports betting is what CGAQ has been striving for. The potential from this is astronomical.
* Steve's stated goal has been acquisitions and the online startup.
* I will never gamble again if i can't see what is going on live.
* Non-subscribers can send PM's during "Happy Hour" on Fridays from 4:00pm -5:00pm Eastern.
* When the current investors own a growth company that is exceeding expectations of most any business model, it is a positive for existing investors.
* Casino's, fight cards, financials, online gambling (HUGE). Our day is coming!
* In my humble opinion there is no way anybody in their right mind would sell this stock at this point with all the good news over the last few months.
* CGAQ continues its attempt to be the most transparent Pinksheet company listed.
* Successful opening because of our lighting technology and our unique design that is second to none within the boutique casino industry.
* As stockholders are aware, we are very close to launching our Live Video Roulette around the world. I don't know of any casino in the world that has a license to operate legally with any type of similar technology. We really believe this will dwarf our present casino revenue with yearly net income in the millions. This is important to maintain our continued strength, acquisitions and create a cushion should the seasonality of our brick and mortar business have a mild return. Further, our brick and mortar locations will give Internet Gaming a legitimate name via an existing customer base that can attest to the quality operations we run.
* We of course are the new leader in the Dominican Republic for Boxing.
* We are now considering a contract for Extreme Cage Fighting.
* The Sports Betting System is almost ready and another new revenue stream will be forth coming.
* We are in good shape with cash and have many new acquisitions in the works.
* Sounds like the next big PR will have do with the online gambling being officially launched. Sounds like it could be a HUGE money maker!
* IMO CGAQ is doing all the right things.
1.) They have cash - a good thing.
2.) They have a plan/strategy - a good thing.
3.) They are executing their plan/strategy smartly - a good thing.
4.) Their CEO keeps shareholders informed - a really good thing.
* Thinly traded. Possibly due to the fact that the company is young and growing.
* Once they catch the eye of a hedge-fund or some other large trading firm - well you know the rest!

* Online stuff only announced not up yet, may run into snags.
* How will new acquisitions be paid for.
* Upcoming Events on their website not updated i.e. August fight not showing.
* Great pr's but equaled drop in pps.
* .04 a low resitance level.
* We need firm dates for the online gambling and sports betting starts.
* We need firm date of the second casino grand opening.
* Difficult to be patient on this stock.
* Why are people selling at these pps with everything in the pipeline?
* I believe someone is shorting the crap out of this stock.

* I believe they have a good future business plan.
* I think this can be used for a great source of communication for/to Tyler.
* Great opportunity to add, we'll may never see these pps's again.
* Unusual slow moving in vol and pps with all the great news ahead.
* Re-posting news releases on other boards helps quite a bit.
* Set your shares at high sell orders so others can't borrow against them.
* ATTN; TYLER, get a promo with the cruise lines for being one of the stopping spots would be huge publicity.
* Check out short selling:
* Support Internet Gambling, send a letter to your congressperson to support H.R. 2267 the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Act
* Need PR about new casino acquired example grand opening dates.
* Fight rescheduled to August 21st.
* ATTN TYLER: IMO one solid cash promo to help get the word out in conjunction with the 2nd casino opening and/or the official start of online betting would help get pps back where it should be.
* Speculation will return, and when it does it will be the investors who positioned themselves early that benefit the most.
* CGAQ has got to be the best kept secret since "Who shot Liberty Valance?"
* I'm looking for any informative CGAQ sources/boards, this is a good one but I'm looking for all the sources usuable to share info here.....Other reference boards/forum suggestions appreciated.
* 3rd and 4th quarter numbers should be interesting, i.e. current casino #'s and new acquisition costs should be included.
* I'll play the risk vs. reward on this one.
* Something sooner or later is going to give this stock the pop up it deserves.
* The type of problems/concerns/inquiries that CGAQ has ... are the type I can live with.
* This stock is not only a short term hold, but has become a long term hold also.
* Why anyone would sell right now. There is just too much positive and profitable stuff coming down the pipeline.
* Any dividend possible?
* CGAQ biting off more than they can chew possibly growing too fast.
* It might take five years but it's going to be worth the wait.
* I am a huge fan of transparency and keeping investors well informed. For these reason(s) I have re-invested.
* Is it Kenilworth, or is it SBC Gaming?
* The "Q" in CGAQ = Carribean Gaming and Acquisitions, not a 5th letter concern.
* I'm going to get back in this one. This will be an easy double from here soon.
* Once it is noticed the sky is the limit.
* I'll be doing an update soon, but not much to update lately.
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07/26/10 2:50 PM

#9866 RE: 10452km2 #9864

i dont see any problems with the company. i dont no why the price is dropping as they seem to be doing every thing right imo.