I am thinking a little more positively today.
My understanding of the main reason they are in BK is because the LTF lenders they had lined up wanted to be in first position. BK may just be a strategy to get DIP financing, which is in first position. It is entirely realistic to consider the possibility that LTF lenders demanded at least a good try in BK before consenting to new financing. If CPRKQ gets a big enough loan, they can come out of BK by cashing out the foreclosure-passionate parties.
As we are now in BK, I think mgmt will ride it for all the benefits they can get, especially reduction of debt. They may also challenge the claims of PN while in BK. When everything looks as good as it can get, they may suddenly get the LTF that was always just a few weeks away, settle with the troublemakers and blast right out of Ch 11.
Of course this is just one of the possible scenarios. They don't all end happily for stockholders, and some are much, much longer.