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07/21/10 7:51 PM

#18115 RE: ooag_long #18114

for all we know the buyins report for bdgr shows 20 times more shares than we've got for ooag. but if lanza reverse splits its a moot point
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07/21/10 8:58 PM

#18117 RE: ooag_long #18114

Lanza listed as felon in court doc

,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A convicted felon, Lanza used a series of cronies, or “frontmen,” including, but not limited to, Jayne Lanza, Wilbur, Michael, Anderson, Neeley and Taylor, to carry out what amounted to a corporate Ponzi scheme.
3. On or about September 1, 2001, Varnadore was hired as attorney to represent OMDA in corporate oil and gas related matters. Despite the fact that Lanza could not be a director or officer of OMDA due to his felony conviction and a Consent Judgment rendered against him by the SEC , Varnadore received all of his instructions from Lanza pertaining to services to be completed on behalf of OMDA. On or about December 10, 2001, Varnadore drafted and filed certificates of incorporation with the Texas Secretary of State to form Management, Services, and SHWJ. Unlike OMDA, the stock of Management, Services and SHWJ was not publicly traded, but rather was issued to “Monte Anderson, David Taylor, DeWayne Varnadore, as Trustees for the benefit of [OMDA].”
4. Lanza subsequently instructed Varnadore to prepare a Declaration of Trust on behalf of OMDA (the “Trust”). Taylor, Anderson, and Varnadore were named as “Trustees” to hold the stock of Management, Services, and SHWJ for the benefit of OMDA. Varnadore has confirmed that the settlor of the trust was OMDA, and that it was Lanza’s intention that OMDA would act as a holding company for the Subsidiaries’ stock and assets.
5. Varnadore assisted Lanza, through OMDA and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Management, in the purchase of certain oil and gas properties located in Anderson and Milam Counties, Texas, and in Caddo and Claiborne Parishes, Louisiana. Lanza and his wife, Jayne Lanza, issued a number of press releases announcing the acquisition of the Texas and Louisiana oil and gas properties. In addition, in correspondence to Varnadore, Lanza repeatedly referred to “OMDA Oil & Gas, Inc. the parent of OMDA Oil & Gas Management.”
6. Based upon the various representations made by Lanza and his frontmen, Adam Barnett (“Barnett”) began buying shares of OMDA on the over-the-counter bulletin board (“OTCBB”) or Pink Sheet Exchanges. Barnett and his partner visited Lanza in Oil City, Louisiana, and subsequently entered into a consulting agreement with Lanza that paid them in OMDA stock.
7. On or about September 9, 2003, Barnett became the majority stock holder of OMDA and, as permitted under Delaware law, took control of OMDA. Barnett immediately replaced Lanza and his frontmen in their positions of authority within the company.
8. Upon Barnett’s takeover of OMDA, Lanza, through his frontmen, began looting the Subsidiaries of their respective oil and gas assets. Now claiming that Management, Services, and SHWJ were never wholly-owned subsidiaries of OMDA, Lanza sold most of the oil and gas assets held by Management to friends, family members and frontmen. Through a series of transactions, a number of the Louisiana oil and gas leases and wells ended up in the possession of Black Dragon.
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07/22/10 2:48 PM

#18135 RE: ooag_long #18114

Black Dragon video on assets.