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07/21/10 3:12 PM

#2619 RE: John_Vallay #2618

Some of the long-time shareholders might have a better handle on that. I am here solely for the response to the Gulf Oil Crisis, and will probably be long gone before profits become a reality.


Buddy M

07/21/10 4:47 PM

#2620 RE: John_Vallay #2618

John, answer to your question - Now! Start of new year and I think (my opinion) we are there, and gaining. Am now testing the refillables, impressive. And am getting my motor home ready to go to the gulf to help with clean-up and field testing new products when ready.

For my buck there is a bright future. Am planning to be in Racine in a week or so (my fourth trip).


07/21/10 4:55 PM

#2621 RE: John_Vallay #2618

Mick Wynhoff, former ceo, said that he expected profitability by 2007. He took over in 2004 and thought it would take three years. Outside of a couple of minimal profitable quarters, the company has been a slow drain. They are very shareholder conscious and have not raised the a/s of 50 million since he took over (though they're close to maxing out). Management holds a decent amount of shares and Mick himself purchased 400k at .08 a couple of years back.

They bought out National Cleaners in early 2009 and that hasn't worked as well as expected. If you're looking to invest here, you may be waiting awhile. Otoh, IF they are able to get a major contract or some foot in the door someplace, the stock could rise quickly. Overall debt for the 10+ years of existence is about 5 million.