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10/06/02 3:30 PM

#306 RE: Frank Pembleton #302

That's true, we'd all describe ourselves as contrarians, at least at this point of the cycle, so noise would and should scare us off .... still, there must be a hundred of us beatin on the drum, spread among various fora, that's a small number in the great scheme of things, and i just think it's logical that more gravitate to this place, as opposed to several other sites which shall remain nameless .... got to be careful we don't get stuck in herdthink on specific slants, that would be boring anyway, nothing gets a discussion rolling like a little controversy, differences of opinion

Towards the end of taxloss season i usually post what i've picked up, the principal ones anyway ... not much to tell lately, haven't traded a great deal, Real Life overwhelming and the month of Septemberrally didn't offer bids rich enough to take profit, in most cases .... i did have a roundtrip in Kinross from Aug to Sept, small one, nothing to write home about in percentage terms, missed the bottom, missed the top too ... wasn't really paying attention, is my excuse

On silver [in re your post 304] - it's such a long time since silver was money, considerably longer time than that for gold .... this, plus the old bimetallism/gold standard debate, leads me to suspect it has less chance of being seen as money in the near future .... less than gold, anyway ..... so this may or may not take the cream off its speculative potential, hard to say, but principally for this reason i lean to gold, and view silver plays as strictly trading opportunities .... secondary reason - we have no real idea how much silver is out there in above-ground stocks ..... in its favour, the mine supply and consumption factors do look good, and the possibility of new consumptive uses for the metal are quite real, imho

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Frank Pembleton

10/08/02 12:49 PM

#316 RE: Frank Pembleton #302

...sold my position in Kinross (K-TSX) for $2.85 for a 20% loss, I'm certainly not thrilled-- my daytrading money has been getting smaller by the week.
