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07/21/10 12:45 PM

#2830 RE: ih8aloss #2829

Wasn't quite what I had in mind but you've made your mark just the

With a picture being worth a 1,000 words, I'd think these images would speak volumes as to the folly of petroleum vs. solar:
When calculating the start-up costs of solar....I'd like to see them factor-in the added costs from the side-effects of continued petro-chemical use....i.e; In terms of sustainable life & how these events affect all living creatures (incl. US)....How much is the Gulf of Mexico worth ? How much is the South China Sea worth ? How much is Prudhoe Bay worth ? How much more of this can the World absorb ?
Just as an example of pending perils, I've heard there are a couple thousand abandoned undersea wells in the Gulf (alone) that were capped using inferior methods and nobody is looking...many are known to be leaking already w/ much more to come.
Now they want to start-up Nuclear BigBiz can be trusted or something ? NOT !

Tied one on in Vegas , ehh !?! Happy hangover to you.
Where are you out-of anyway ?
