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07/21/10 11:59 PM

#10174 RE: power2 #10158


Why are you afraid to declare that the money is in? What are you hiding? Like the kid said in 8 men out "Say it aint so John". You are supposed to be working for the shareholders. How is authorizing restricted stock in May contrary to Delaware law in shareholder best interests? you had to have a shareholder vote in May John to issue that stock. HOW DOES THAT HELP SHAREHOLDERS? The Sept vote mean't NOTHING insofar as the preferred stock is concerned.

Shreholders have a right to see the books. Was the preferred stock paid for and by whom? The dilution of IPWG stock? Come on John show the $. Lets open the books up. John G has a right to examine them as does anyone else. "If you cannot see the books then they must be crooks". Isn't that what John Cochrane said in the OJ trial? Not making that accusation at all but people have their money in this stock big time. Shouldn't those who invested in the company have a right to see the books? Aren't those the same people that allowed the company to operate or was it the dilution of millions of shares to pay lawyers and ACCOUNTANT fees?

I did not know Peter was an accountant. It does not take months to get overseas money. Show the money John B. At least show it to John G. Say it aint so John..........please.

The working in 'best interests of shareholders" is only good for so long. John B stop being a puppet. You are making mistakes. Close the door and end the speculation. Announce the $ if it is there.