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Iz aka MP1973

07/19/10 5:09 PM

#120242 RE: Bernanke_nomics #120240

--Qtip, the above statement answers what you were asking earlier.
The above statement is partially true yet partially false.
(More on the false side though.)
Think about it, cause old "MP" doesnt.--

3rd time you have mentioned me as another poster. All I did was buy another stock he mentioned, quit posting my name with his. You can refer to me as Iz like the name says.

---Cool, But I'm not looking for your trading strategy or club memberships.
If DD is only used on the big boards why is the PPS where I had predicted? lower even. Now I have to lower my predictions as well.---

I am not looking for your negative crap on a daily basis either, but yet you still post it. The pos can go where it went before, it does not matter(**** HAPPENS), it can go back to where it came from as well. I never bought or sold on your predictions anyway. Its easy to sit back and just throw predictions out there, your giving yourself too much credit for a penny stock.

---In the end, The economy is not getting better as many would have us believe.---

The economy is great, just have to learn to live within your means. Should have been that way all along. It has not bothered me at all, I dont sign my life off like most of the ignorant fools out there who created this mess to begin with!---

---.0013 right around the corner as well could be some warrants.
trip O 8 were the A's with 0015 (average) for the 2- B's total 00126 combined/3. If I were holding just A's Id be wishing for the days to speed away till convertable. The B's, well might just have to wait for them to recover before too long??.---

Oh well....You knew this when you invested, you'll just have to wait or panic. SORRY! I think someone on here has explained that 20 times to you. Most will not convert, if they do, it's a great opportunity to buy. If you dont want to buy then leave. Shorting is illegal on this stock and Im beginning to believe some of the people on this board are responsible for the shorting in some way or another.

---Anyone know if the Beckman deal is bringing/ has brought any previous/current customers with it to iCapital? ---

Don't answer that people, thought this guy had brains, thats illegal.

---1. The failure of realtime
has been grossly understated. This is the product the company has put its future into and its been a complete disaster. To have a net monthly nut of 20k to run the software and to produse 1k in revenue is just incompetant. The company blames the economy

Realtime is available for free almost anywhere you look on the internet. Not much failure their, persoanlly 250,000 a year can now be used for something that demands a membership. Also, WHAT COMPANY TRADING HAS NOT PUBLICLY BLAMED THE ECONOMY FOR THE LESS THAN LACKLUSTER RESULTS IT HOPED FOR?
Give me a

2. The futures division has not increased production since new ownership has taken over. In fact they are in reverse.

3. launching a new equity division? wow, there is no competition there, and profit margins are huge. LOL

4. Launching a new forex division? When i saw this my jaw dropped. Ifinx is an Independent IB. New NFA-CFTC regulations that will go into effect shortly, states that any IB soliciting Forex business will need to enter a guarantee agreement witht he clearing FCM. I have attorned friends in the business that i checked this out with in addition to the NFA. So in a nut shell, ifinix just launced a new division that will need to cease doing business when new rules are in effect, possibly within months. The company refused to answer me on this issue. It was almost as if i caught them by surprise. Please tell me how this company does not know this? Who is responsible for this incompetance?

5. No niche in the market place. With realtime shelved, not that it was anything that was going to change the world, this company has no niche. Everything they use is white labeled. slef directed trading, managed accounts, jeeze, nobody is doing that. They are just salesmen at the end of the day. they do nothing that anybody on this board can do them selves

***Blah, Blah, BASH, BASH.....Oh well, we are coming close to where we were 2 years ago. I wonder how many penny stocks have this done on a annual basis. Just gonna ride it up again, its not very hard to figure out. What did you expect? The armegeddon picture your painting is nice but can be read on every message board out there. Itinerary is obvious on your post.

********The board can be a very kind place if you let it**********

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Wooden Indian

07/19/10 9:55 PM

#120250 RE: Bernanke_nomics #120240

WOW, BEN, that was intricate.
I read every word carefully. Hoping I might get a small hint of a bottom here. NOT!!! Again, thank you. INSIGHTFUL.

I don't presume to know a whole lot about what's going on here but I'm still averaging 'down' hehheh.