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Santa Barbara Broker

07/16/10 9:16 PM

#30 RE: Santa Barbara Broker #29

Oh I forgot. The absolute FOOLPROOF indicator. The 100% guarantee LEN is going to run. Goldman lowered it's rating on Wednesday. Translation, they needed it to drop to support levels so they can load up their clients. Which usually takes them 3-5 days.

Goldman lowers their rating on an equity for two reasons. 1) They had just raised their rating to "Outperform" and the stock fell 75% the following day so they decide to let their bankrupted chump change clients who invested in it know they now think it might actually "underperform" or, 2) They need to knock down the price 10-20% for a couple of their big money clients to get off their short and go long.

Classic scumbag GS manuever...IMHO, of ocurse.