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07/16/10 1:52 AM

#85668 RE: doone #85667

Doone... I understand what you are saying, and I am not disagreeing. I know for me... I have a full time job, and a part time job... so honestly, I don't really have the time to be making those calls. I respect the hard work that you are doing as well, so am very happy we have someone such as yourself working for the company.

However, whether we do that or not, whether we rant on IHUB or not, it still does not excuse Ike for not following through on what he says. I mean, if he didn't say these things, we wouldn't be demanding he deliver, but to say things and then not deliver, I mean come on! The PPS is very reflective of how Ike is communicating his business to the public right now!

The launch was in April (still think it launched way too early)... and ever since then the stock is down from a high of .06 to lows of .006. For people not to rant, would be odd. People support the company by investing their money into the company... to see their money dwindle? So the answer to that is now they have to go work for the company? If that was the case they would have just stayed at their regular jobs and not invested! They invest the money to support Ike and the company to do their job!

Anyway man... that was my little rant, but as I said, I am very glad that you are on board and doing what you are doing... Good luck and keep up the good work!


07/16/10 8:26 AM

#85675 RE: doone #85667

You are correct! This is a great Idea...I will continue to do my part and help out!


07/16/10 9:35 AM

#85692 RE: doone #85667

Doone, can you give us the "script" you are referring to, or send it to me via private message? Thanks.


07/16/10 1:27 PM

#85795 RE: doone #85667

Nice post Doone,

And I agree! Although I haven't closed a deal yet, Im working hard on a big name company. (getting close) I like going after the big fish if you know what I mean! They are not falling easy, as everyone knows. They have some reservation about getting the Go800 service started, and then finding out 6 months later Goip couldn't make any money to pay the bills and now the service is gone. I'm sure many of the big companies feel the same way about Go800 right now. (It will change)

Brand recognition is very important to all big companies! They are not willing to just jump in with both feet and spend (what could be for some) upwards of 10k a month with a very unknown company. Looking bad later to there customers is not a fun thing to overcome. Big companies like to control everything about there business. Although they can decide what "keyword" to use and how long they want to use it. Go800 is still in total control of the service itself. The sooner Ike can PROVE Go800 is already a profitable company, the more confidence the bigger companies will have to use the service. I really don't care if its now or next qtr. We will get there! (IMO) I know I will be buying LARGE blocks if the numbers come out and fall short on Ikes first goal. People will get mad and sell and I will gladly buy them up and wait for the next qtr, year, etc This company has VERY little overhead!

So who as an ambassador wants to say how much commission they have made? No need to name any business names. Just tell us how much? Competition always works well in sales!

Good Luck to all of us!