I don't have quite that much at the moment,however I do have a pretty good stack, well over 12000 0zs I have a small amount at 2 different banks and the rest is in a huge and very old Wells Fargo safe that I picked up way back in the late 70s I have packed this thing with me all these years mainly just for that purpose. It is so heavy it almost takes 6 men and a team of mules to move it. I think it is the best way to store PMs, at least I know that they are mine and no one is going to get them without suffering from my trusty old 12 gauge first. I don't like the idea of storing all your metals at the banks cause you just never know when the Govt or even the crooks at the banks nowadays can just takeover and you are SOL. There maybe better ways to store it but I don't know of any. I have many other friends that use the same methods, but some of them do just use multiple banks. What do you think?? What do you folks use? Bonded storage units? Bury it in your back yard?? I would like to hear about some more options for when the price goes up. I would like to think you are right about the nunamistics on those rare silver coins, Orca cause I do have some silver coins that would fall in with what you are saying. Always open to new ideas.